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Pada kesempatan ini, saya akan mem-post tips trick game RPG mobile... Heroes Lore Zero, yang merupakan prequel dari Heroes Lore sebelumnnya... Langsung saja kita bahas...
- -Seringlah meng-save game
- -Utamakan senjata jika anda type Warrior
- -Siap sedia book of return...
- -Jangan pernah jual senjata langka, blueprint, atau Item langka!
- -Potion jangan dijual!
- -Dapat senjata yang bukan type hero anda? ingat storage!
- -Jika anda terkepung, jangan panik! 4ave, keluar, lalu masuk lagi...
- -Musuh badan besar tak selalu kuat
- -Refine equipment selalu berhasil
- -Armor tak terlalu berpengaruh
- Cara dapat Hard Mode: Tamatkan 1 kali
- Alternate Ending : Tamatkan Expert Mode, ending berbeda
- Hell Mode : Tamatkan Expert Mode
- Alternate ending : Complete game once. game will automatically restart. The ending will be different.
- Dejavu : Go to the Humming City. Get quest from stranger. Go to shop and talk to alchemist. Get out. Press yes. After you beat the game, do the same thing.
- Extra dialogue : in expert mode/ hell mode after you talk to Clare, select Alpez
How to unlock GunBlade & Elementalist???
- +GunBlade: Accept the quest from madam in "Inn" in Humming City, then enter the "Arena" behind her. Fight to 10th floor to get Mask of Champion. Finished the Arena, continue get the quest from the man at the right side of Arena in "Inn", Enter the Arena again and fight to 10th floor to get GunBlade for him => You've just unlocked GanBlade!!! (note : in arena, your exp wont be increased! and potion is rarely droped. recomended for level 50)
- +Elementalist: (Expert Mode or HellMode) Get the quest from the man at 2nd floor in "Inn" room in SilverLeaf Village, then go to Melon Village, enter "Inn" room, go to 2nd floor and finish (talk) this quest, then accept new quest, return to the man at 2nd floor in "Inn" room in SilverLeaf Village and talk to him => Elementalist is Unlocked!!! (Mine doesnt work...)
***How to cheat this game???***
It's very EASY by using Tool Backup RMS (tested ok on N2730c S40v5 Nokia, other device maybe not work)
U must dowload 2 version of this game i uploaded, one is the Eng-Chi version have cheat here and one is the Full English here, put them on Your MemoryCard.
(2 version above is added Tool Backup RMS by me)
- First: Open the Eng-Chi version (it have 2 Midlet, one is the Game and one is the Backup Tool), choose the Game, play and cheat as u want, then Save the Game and exit. Now Open the Backup Tool, retype the path as "/E:/backup" -> Click Option -> Backup. This Midlet will creat a file with name "backup" on your MemoryCard then auto close.
- 2nd: Open the Full English version, choose the Backup Tool, retype the path as "/E:/backup" -> Click Option -> Restore. It will use data in file "backup" above to restore to Ur Game. Now Open the Game and ENJOY!!!